Ask Me Anything | Living Our Faith in a Changing World | Part 1

Les Beauchamp
Ask Me Anything
August 17, 2019
Ask Me Anything | Living Our Faith in a Changing World | Part 1
Ask Me Anything

This week Pastor Les responded to your questions about Living Our Faith in a Changing World. Each service had completely different questions so make sure to check out all 3 from this week! Questions Covered in Part 1: How do we reconcile what the Bible calls us to do with a government that claims Christian values, but acts in un-Christian ways? Being an African American in the climate we live in today, I find it difficult to feel comfortable in a predominantly white church. I love the teachings, but how do I let go of the feelings that my ethnicity is not accepted by some Christians. Is the “hustle” culture a Jesus thing? “You’re responsible for your own destiny by working hard.” Is it okay to use the Enneagram? I am a Latin, 37-year-old male believer who is a virgin. I want to get a good wife. It seems like Christian girls don’t like a male without any experience. Any advice? What’s a woman’s role as a pastor? Where is the line drawn in authority in the church? I am a teacher. How can I teach in schools that support evolution and teach these things as facts, when I believe creation is true? Are we to support it and deny conscience? Where should the church stand in regard to the illegal immigration debate? In recent news, prominent Christians have “left the faith.” How do we explain that to new Christians and non-Christian friends in a loving, honoring, and truthful way? How are we to understand it ourselves? How can the church be set apart from the world, yet listen to secular music in the church?
