Ask Me Anything | Bible & Spirituality | Part 1
This week Pastor Les responded to your questions about the Bible and Spirituality. Each service had completely different questions so make sure to check out all 3 from this week! Questions Covered in Part 1: Did Adam have a belly-button? Do you believe that the Bible is the perfect, inspired, inerrant word of God that contains no mistakes, false information or contradictions? If so, why? Which version and why? What is the Bible reference to the tattoo on your arm? Do you have to be baptized to go to heaven even though you've accepted Jesus in your heart? What is the role of miracles, prophesy and speaking in tongues in today's church? Exactly what is spirituality? How do you measure it? How do you get more of it? What was your biggest fear before finding faith? Also, what is the biggest loss you have ever suffered? How do you minister to people who are born again Christians but continue to live in sin? I did the thing where I closed my eyes and put my finger in the middle of the Bible and opened my eyes to read the verse my finger landed on. Is that wrong? Assuming you can’t lose your salvation, can you walk away from true salvation? Did unicorns ever exist? How do you respond when someone asks you (as a believer) "Why do bad things happen to good people?”