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Life is complicated.
Relationships. Work. Parenting. Marriage. Singleness. Faith. Life is complex, messy, and painful. We want to do everything we can to help you thrive. Life is better when we focus on Jesus in community.

A better life is possible.
Experience a church that helps you live a life of purpose and freedom. A life devoted to service, community, and fun. Are you ready for faith to transform your life?

Find life in community.
Start by visiting us at one of our locations. We cannot wait to meet you!

Find a location.
We have 4 convenient locations around Omaha, Nebraska plus a great online experience for those not in our area.
Visit us.
You don’t have to dress up or clean up your act to belong at Lifegate - come as you are to experience powerful worship and teaching in a non-religious environment.
Stop by the Connect Zone.
We would love to meet you. The friendly people at our Connect Zones love answering questions and helping people get connected at Lifegate.
Our locations.
We have multiple locations to make it easy to find a life-giving church to call home.

Kids Week 2025
June 9th-13th, 2025
Kids Week is five evenings packed full of games, experiences with Jesus, powerful messages, worship, and lots of fun! We are so excited for kids to be able to hang with their friends and connect with our awesome leaders! Get ready for the BEST WEEK of Summer!
Parents AND Kids- celebrate with us as we recap the week together on Friday, June 13th!
Volunteer at Kids Week!

What is the most important part about your walk with God? It’s the part that isn’t Raised to Life! Our heart with Camp is that it would be 6 days of stepping away from the distractions of normal life and getting to dive into what God is doing right now in this moment. We believe that a week of undivided attention towards God can change lives! This is a week of incredible friendships, anointed worship, and God moving in a powerful way. We can’t wait to see you there!
What if one week away could change your life? Summer Camp is 6 days of God moving, incredible friendships, and unforgettable games! Join us for our favorite week of the year- Summer Camp 2025: Raised to Life!
Who: Incoming 6th-12th Graders
When: July 20th-25th, 2025
Where: Maranatha Bible Camp, Maxwell, NE
Cost: $400 before May 18th | $435 after May 18th
$100 non-refundable deposit due at the time of registration
The deadline to register is Sunday, July 13th
What is the most important part about your walk with God? It’s the part that isn’t Raised to Life! Our heart with Camp is that it would be 6 days of stepping away from the distractions of normal life and getting to dive into what God is doing right now in this moment. We believe that a week of undivided attention towards God can change lives! This is a week of incredible friendships, anointed worship, and God moving in a powerful way. We can’t wait to see you there!
What if one week away could change your life? Summer Camp is 5 days of God moving, incredible friendships, and unforgettable games! Join us for our favorite week of the year- Summer Camp 2025: Raised to Life!
Who: Incoming 6th-12th Graders
When: July 20th-25th, 2025
Where: Maranatha Bible Camp, Maxwell, NE
Cost: $400 before May 18th | $435 after May 18th
$100 non-refundable deposit due at the time of registration
The deadline to register is Sunday, July 13th
Parenting Conference 2025
February 15, 2025
$75/Couple through February 2nd, $90/couple after February 2nd
Navigating the challenges of successful parenting takes real survival skills! Special guests, Sean and Lanette Reed, will equip you to not only survive but thrive in your parenting with powerful insights and proven strategies from their own parenting journey. Family is the building blocks of society. It is also the footing of our churches. Whether you are a nuclear, blended, adoptive, or single-parent family, we want to build a legacy for our children and the children of the Kingdom. Describing the importance of building a legacy in one’s family, Sean and Lanette will focus on 5 key areas of parenting: Creating loving and unified homes, living one’s God-given purpose, building generational wealth and empowerment, planning the adventures of a lifetime, and serving our community and the world.
Join us Saturday, February 15th from 9:00am-3:00pm for our Parenting Conference at our West Dodge Campus! Children's ministry is available for children infant-5th grade and lunch will be provided! Registration for parents and children is required.

High School Retreat: Be Still
March 21st-23rd, 2025
6:00PM Friday-11:30AM Sunday
Cost: $125
Retreat, rest, and focus on what God is doing in the midst of business. We are convinced that a weekend of no distractions can change our lives! This weekend we’re going to settle in to what God wants to do and how to find rest as we sit still before Him.
We’ll have a blast, hear from our incredible speaker, and get to worship with our anointed Lifegate Youth Worship team! We can’t wait to see you there!
Check-in starts at 6:00pm on Friday at the West Dodge Campus, and we will arrive back to Lifegate West Dodge at 11:30am on Sunday.
Email for questions.
Weekend Schedule
6:00pm Check-in at Lifegate West Dodge
7:15pm Arrive at Camp Rivercrest
7:45pm Pre-Service Prayer
8:00pm Session 1
10:00pm Snack
11:00pm Cabin Time
12:00am Lights Out
8:00am Breakfast
9:00am God Time
10:00am Session 2
11:10am Breakout Sessions
1:30pm Lunch
2:30pm Free Time (Field & Rec. Activities, Movie, Football)
6:00pm Dinner
7:15pm Pre-Service Prayer
7:30pm Session 3
11:00pm Cabin Time
12:00am Lights Out
8:00am Breakfast
9:00am Session 4
10:00am Clean/Load Luggage
10:45am Load Buses/Head Home
11:30am Arrive at Lifegate West Dodge

Middle School Retreat: Perspective
March 14th-16th, 2025
6:00PM Friday-11:30AM Sunday
Cost: $125
How do you view God? How does He view you? This retreat, we’re talking about identity and the way that God views us; His creation, His chosen people, His kids. We’re taking a weekend away to focus on God and set aside all distractions.
Our Middle School Retreat is happening March 14th-16th and you don't want to miss out! We will be heading to Camp Rivercrest in Fremont, NE. Come hang out with us for a weekend of hang time with friends, great worship and ministry time as we hear from a guest speaker! Check-in starts at 6:00pm on Friday at the West Dodge Campus, and we will arrive back to Lifegate West Dodge at 11:30am on Sunday.
Email for questions.
Weekend Schedule
6:00pm Check-in at Lifegate West Dodge
7:15pm Arrive at Camp Rivercrest
7:45pm Pre-Service Prayer
8:00pm Session 1
10:00pm Snack
10:30pm Cabin Time
11:30pm Lights Out
8:00am Breakfast
9:00am God Time
10:00am Session 2
11:10am Breakout Sessions
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm FreeTime (Field & Rec. Activities, Movie, Football)
6:00pm Dinner
7:15pm Pre-Service Prayer
7:30pm Session 3
10:30pm Cabin Time
11:30pm Lights Out
8:00am Breakfast
9:00am Session 4
10:00am Clean/Load Luggage
10:45am Load Buses/Head Home
11:30am Arrive at Lifegate West Dodge
We live in a world where we are bombarded with empty promises of fulfillment. It tries to tell us what we need and what will make our lives better.
But where we really find ourselves is chasing after illusions of happiness that leave us empty and longing for more.
Yet, deep within our hearts, there is a yearning for something more, something lasting, and something real.
John 10:10 reminds us of the contrast between these empty promises and the promise Jesus offers: "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
This verse echoes through our souls, resonating with the truth that true abundance and color in life are found in Jesus alone.
He offers not just existence, but a life overflowing with purpose, joy, and fulfillment beyond measure.
Jesus offers us life, LIVE & In Color!
Additional Information:
Where: West Dodge Campus
When: March 7th | 6:00pm - 10:00pm & March 8th | 8:30am - 3:00pm
Cost:Before January 20th - $50 general | $25 student
After January 20th - $60 general | $30 student
Registration closes February 23rd late registrants will be charged a late fee if tickets are still available
Friday, March 7
6:00pm - Church opens, Vendors Open, Fun begins!
6:45pm - Sanctuary doors open
7:00pm - Main Session 1
8:30pm - After Party!
Saturday, March 8
8:30am - Church opens, breakfast pastries provided, Stories Coffee & vendors open
8:45 am - Sanctuary doors open
9:00am - Main Session 2
10:30am - Break
11:00am - Worship & Words Session
12:00pm - Lunch - onsite
1:00pm - Main Session 3
2:30pm - Conference Close

Restoration is a two-day immersive experience designed to help you uncover lies and hurts that are preventing you from having a fully restored heart and living an abundant life in Jesus.
*Spanish Translation will be available for the Restoration talks in each session.
Additional Info
COST: $35
Join us from 9:00am - 5:00pm on Thursday and Friday, April 3rd - 4th at our West Dodge Campus.
We all need God’s presence in our lives to heal us and set us free from the lies that entangle us. Each session is specifically designed to take you on a journey of healing. You will hear from various speakers who will address struggles related to identity, generational patterns and wounds, shame, victim mindsets, unforgiveness, grief and more. Each session concludes with an invitation to participate in a private and intimate activity to receive healing.
This event is open to everyone age 19+. We recommend you commit to attending all sessions both days for the full experience.
Children's ministry will NOT be available. Children under the age of 19 will not be permitted into the Sanctuary.
Restoration Testimonials:
"After a tragic loss I was navigating hurt and unforgiveness. Attending Restoration helped me to begin the journey of healing, releasing unforgiveness, and pressing into the hope I desperately needed."
“I attended Restoration Conference during a wilderness season where I was unsure of what was next in my life. As a ministry leader, I was feeling emotionally and spiritually exhausted and unsure of how to let God intervene in my brokenness. Restoration Conference provided me a safe place to process my emotions and lay down my burdens at the feet of Jesus. I am so grateful for the body of Christ who made space for the Holy Spirit to move, heal and restore the things that were weighing me down!"