Our story.
Lifegate Church has a long established history in Omaha, NE, beginning as Trinity Church back in 1975. Since then, Lifegate has grown to multiple campuses across the world.

Lifegate Church began in 1975 as Trinity Church Interdenominational when God used a group of 55 committed individuals under the leadership of Pastor Elmer Murdoch to begin a church where people could meet Jesus as Lord and Savior and take their first steps into the Spirit-filled life. Our theological roots are in the Christian and Missionary Alliance.
Over the years, we’ve been privileged to make an eternal difference in thousands of lives in the Omaha metro and around the world. At Lifegate, people meet Jesus and their lives change for the better; they experience a wholeness of body, soul and spirit and find real purpose for living.
No church is perfect, and we are no exception. Throughout our journey we have faced and overcome many challenges on our way to becoming the unified, life-filled fellowship we now are. Even though our church is more than 40 years old, we feel like a young church since our rebirth in 2010 and God’s gifts to us of a new name, Lifegate Church, and a fresh vision:
We have an endless passion to invite people everywhere to discover, live and give life in Jesus.
God has called Lifegate to live this vision by living out our cultural code where Jesus is the center and where people matter. We do this by focusing on an authentic relationship with Jesus and not religious performance.
Pastor Les Beauchamp became Lifegate’s lead pastor in 1996. Under his leadership and that of Lifegate’s governing eldership, God has led us to become a multi-campus church in order to take Jesus’ love and offer of life to people where they live. Our assignment? To become one church in numerous locations.
In December 2012, Lifegate Papillion became our second campus in the Omaha area. Less than one year later — in response to God’s leading —, Lifegate Novi Sad was launched in the Balkan nation of Serbia. In spring 2015, Lifegate Midtown began holding regular services in the heart of the Omaha metro. In 2016, our 41st year as a church, God has given us a vision to see 40 campuses in the next 40 years, with eight in the immediate Omaha metro.
Although we are a large church, the number that matters most to us is the number one: “one life at a time.” We are a church on the same team with other life-giving churches in our region and work diligently to cultivate deep friendships with their leaders and people and then work together to see our region transformed by the Kingdom of God uniquely expressed through the Big “C” church of the Omaha metro. We are also a church with a history of global impact, sending teams for decades around the world and supporting numerous global workers in many nations.
We also have two appointed overseers who provide great accountability and a spiritual covering for our church as a whole. For more information on overseers, you can watch this video here!
We at Lifegate are convinced our most impacting days are ahead of us and hope as you read our history you would prayerfully consider joining us on this journey!