Who Is the Holy Spirit?
Podcast: Who is the Holy Spirit
We’re a spirit filled church, and a spirit filled people, but what does that even mean? The Holy Spirit is an active character throughout all of scripture, but is He as active in my own life? Explore with us as Lifegate asks multiple questions about the Holy Spirit, how He works, and what we should do in light of his presence in our lives.
Episode 1: Who Is the Holy Spirit with Pastor Micah
Scripture: John 14:16-17
16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever- 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.
The Holy Spirit is often referred to as the forgotten god, but it ought not be this way. Rather, we were meant to have a more dynamic relationship with this third person of the trinity.
Who is the Holy Spirit? God, of course; one of the members of the trinity. Remembering that He is, in fact, one in nature with God the Father and the Son, should help us understand how he interacts with us, and even discern when He is and is not speaking.
But what does it mean to have the Holy Spirit? Furthermore, what is the difference between having and being filled with the Holy Spirit?
Pastor Micah has more to say about the nature of God, and this dynamic relationship we are to have with Him as Holy Spirit.
Discussion Questions:
- “If the Spirit is speaking something to us, it will align with everything the Father has said, and everything the son has said.”
- Jesus said it was better for the Holy Spirit to come. How is it better than having Jesus walking around with us each day?
- When was the first time you came across the idea of being “filled with” the Holy Spirit?
Read John, chapters 14 – 16, and ask the Lord to highlight something about the Holy Spirit you’ve never quite noticed before. Take note of every active roll Jesus says the Holy Spirit is supposed to have with Jesus’ followers.
Who Is the Holy Spirit?
Podcast: Who is the Holy Spirit
We’re a spirit filled church, and a spirit filled people, but what does that even mean? The Holy Spirit is an active character throughout all of scripture, but is He as active in my own life? Explore with us as Lifegate asks multiple questions about the Holy Spirit, how He works, and what we should do in light of his presence in our lives.
Episode 1: Who Is the Holy Spirit with Pastor Micah
Scripture: John 14:16-17
16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever- 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.
The Holy Spirit is often referred to as the forgotten god, but it ought not be this way. Rather, we were meant to have a more dynamic relationship with this third person of the trinity.
Who is the Holy Spirit? God, of course; one of the members of the trinity. Remembering that He is, in fact, one in nature with God the Father and the Son, should help us understand how he interacts with us, and even discern when He is and is not speaking.
But what does it mean to have the Holy Spirit? Furthermore, what is the difference between having and being filled with the Holy Spirit?
Pastor Micah has more to say about the nature of God, and this dynamic relationship we are to have with Him as Holy Spirit.
Discussion Questions:
- “If the Spirit is speaking something to us, it will align with everything the Father has said, and everything the son has said.”
- Jesus said it was better for the Holy Spirit to come. How is it better than having Jesus walking around with us each day?
- When was the first time you came across the idea of being “filled with” the Holy Spirit?
Read John, chapters 14 – 16, and ask the Lord to highlight something about the Holy Spirit you’ve never quite noticed before. Take note of every active roll Jesus says the Holy Spirit is supposed to have with Jesus’ followers.