Week 2 - Rejoice
Fortitude Curriculum
Pause, Rejoice, Ask, Yield
No one stares up at the northern lights thinking, “Wow, I'm incredible!” We are hardwired to wonder and therefore to worship. The Lord's Prayer begins with an invitation to adoration: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your Name.” Having paused to be still at the start of a prayer time, the most natural and appropriate response to God's presence is reverence. Try not to skip this bit. Hallowing the Father's name is the most important and enjoyable dimension of prayer. Lingering here, rejoicing in God's blessing before asking for any more. Like an eagle soaring, a horse galloping, or a salmon leaping, worship is the thing God designed you to do.
Philippians 4:4
Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice.
In many respects, Phillipians is one of the most beautiful of Paul's letters, full of tenderness, warmth, and affection. His style is spontaneous, personal, and informal, presenting us with an intimate diary of Paul's own spiritual experiences. The dominant theme throughout the letter is that of triumphant joy. Paul, though a prisoner, is exultantly happy, and calls upon his readers to rejoice in Christ always. It is an ethical and practical letter that centers on Jesus Christ. To Paul, Christ is more than an example; He is the apostle's very life.
This letter reveals the timeless message that we can find true joy only in a dynamic personal relationship with Jesus Christ and in the assurance that God is able to turn adverse circumstances to our good and His glory. Because Paul was united to Christ by living faith, he could claim contentment in all circumstances. His unadorned testimony is, “I rejoice...and will rejoice”(1:8), and his command, even in prison, is “Rejoice...again I will say, rejoice”(4:4)
We make our relationship with God more complicated than it needs to be. God is our Father, He loves us, He wants our heart, and He wants a deep relationship with us. The way we view God affects everything about everything. He is on our side and He wants the best for us.
God has designed us to worship. The most natural and appropriate response to God's presence is reverence. We need to remember what God is and not what we think He is. We sometimes view Him as being disappointed and disapproving and our prayers serve to persuade or appease God. This is not God's character. He is kind, assuring, loving, attentive, wanting to bless us and give us gifts, and He welcomes us with open arms. If we have this understanding of God's character, we will come to Him to be in His presence; instead of avoiding Him.
Although we will not always understand everything about God, the simple decision of always trusting Him, will see us through. We also need to remember not just the nature of God's love for us, but also His divine sovereignty. We have the amazing privilege of being in God's presence; a realization that should excite and ignite our spirit.
Let’s face it, there are times when prayer is the last thing we want to do. We have a tendency as men to try to do everything with the strength of our own hands…and after we've exhausted all resources and feel depleted and defeated, we finally find ourselves on our knees. Just because we don’t feel compelled to pray doesn't mean we shouldn't. Praying with GRIT is having the courage and resolve to make it our first response, not our last! The following are strategies for developing GRIT in your prayer life and growing closer to God.
- Don't wait until you feel like praying. Do it now, thank God for all the evidence of His love in your life, and remember all He has already done! Rejoice in His blessing, soak in His presence, and give Him praise.
- Worship with Scripture: start with a Psalm. Reading it aloud stirs the soul and builds adoration. Be encouraged to pray through the Psalms as well.
- Psalm 119:162 “I rejoice at Your Word as one who finds great treasure.”
- Worship with Music – Heaven is full of music. It encourages us as we step into His throne room and connect with the Father.
- Psalm 150
- Praise and worship with your church family. We are all God's children and there is power in praying with other believers.
- Lifegroups!
- Seek Nights!
- GO TO CHURCH! JOIN A LIFEGROUP! We do church on a Sunday morning so we will all understand and know God better. We do Lifegroups to find the freedom in the community that God always intended for us.
- Pursue the music, activities, and the things that bring you closer to God. What we pursue we become. If our pursuit is constantly for the things that do not bring us closer to Him, they will drive us further away.
- Do you enjoy spending time with God? When are the times that prayer feels most enjoyable?
- When you think of adoration, what is a natural way for you to express it to the Lord?
- What obstacles do you face when wanting fellowship with the Lord?
- What is your favorite space to connect with God?
Week 2 - Rejoice
Fortitude Curriculum
Pause, Rejoice, Ask, Yield
No one stares up at the northern lights thinking, “Wow, I'm incredible!” We are hardwired to wonder and therefore to worship. The Lord's Prayer begins with an invitation to adoration: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your Name.” Having paused to be still at the start of a prayer time, the most natural and appropriate response to God's presence is reverence. Try not to skip this bit. Hallowing the Father's name is the most important and enjoyable dimension of prayer. Lingering here, rejoicing in God's blessing before asking for any more. Like an eagle soaring, a horse galloping, or a salmon leaping, worship is the thing God designed you to do.
Philippians 4:4
Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice.
In many respects, Phillipians is one of the most beautiful of Paul's letters, full of tenderness, warmth, and affection. His style is spontaneous, personal, and informal, presenting us with an intimate diary of Paul's own spiritual experiences. The dominant theme throughout the letter is that of triumphant joy. Paul, though a prisoner, is exultantly happy, and calls upon his readers to rejoice in Christ always. It is an ethical and practical letter that centers on Jesus Christ. To Paul, Christ is more than an example; He is the apostle's very life.
This letter reveals the timeless message that we can find true joy only in a dynamic personal relationship with Jesus Christ and in the assurance that God is able to turn adverse circumstances to our good and His glory. Because Paul was united to Christ by living faith, he could claim contentment in all circumstances. His unadorned testimony is, “I rejoice...and will rejoice”(1:8), and his command, even in prison, is “Rejoice...again I will say, rejoice”(4:4)
We make our relationship with God more complicated than it needs to be. God is our Father, He loves us, He wants our heart, and He wants a deep relationship with us. The way we view God affects everything about everything. He is on our side and He wants the best for us.
God has designed us to worship. The most natural and appropriate response to God's presence is reverence. We need to remember what God is and not what we think He is. We sometimes view Him as being disappointed and disapproving and our prayers serve to persuade or appease God. This is not God's character. He is kind, assuring, loving, attentive, wanting to bless us and give us gifts, and He welcomes us with open arms. If we have this understanding of God's character, we will come to Him to be in His presence; instead of avoiding Him.
Although we will not always understand everything about God, the simple decision of always trusting Him, will see us through. We also need to remember not just the nature of God's love for us, but also His divine sovereignty. We have the amazing privilege of being in God's presence; a realization that should excite and ignite our spirit.
Let’s face it, there are times when prayer is the last thing we want to do. We have a tendency as men to try to do everything with the strength of our own hands…and after we've exhausted all resources and feel depleted and defeated, we finally find ourselves on our knees. Just because we don’t feel compelled to pray doesn't mean we shouldn't. Praying with GRIT is having the courage and resolve to make it our first response, not our last! The following are strategies for developing GRIT in your prayer life and growing closer to God.
- Don't wait until you feel like praying. Do it now, thank God for all the evidence of His love in your life, and remember all He has already done! Rejoice in His blessing, soak in His presence, and give Him praise.
- Worship with Scripture: start with a Psalm. Reading it aloud stirs the soul and builds adoration. Be encouraged to pray through the Psalms as well.
- Psalm 119:162 “I rejoice at Your Word as one who finds great treasure.”
- Worship with Music – Heaven is full of music. It encourages us as we step into His throne room and connect with the Father.
- Psalm 150
- Praise and worship with your church family. We are all God's children and there is power in praying with other believers.
- Lifegroups!
- Seek Nights!
- GO TO CHURCH! JOIN A LIFEGROUP! We do church on a Sunday morning so we will all understand and know God better. We do Lifegroups to find the freedom in the community that God always intended for us.
- Pursue the music, activities, and the things that bring you closer to God. What we pursue we become. If our pursuit is constantly for the things that do not bring us closer to Him, they will drive us further away.
- Do you enjoy spending time with God? When are the times that prayer feels most enjoyable?
- When you think of adoration, what is a natural way for you to express it to the Lord?
- What obstacles do you face when wanting fellowship with the Lord?
- What is your favorite space to connect with God?