Dealing with the Demonic
Podcast: The Demonic with Pastor Les
Episode 10: Dealing with the Demonic
Scripture: 1 John 3:8b
The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.
Last Week's Challenge:
You were challenged to look up instances of scripture where that mentioned healing and deliverance. What did you notice?
Demons show up in scripture more than some people are comfortable with. More than that, Jesus even speaks with these spirits before healing people or casting them out of people. That was almost 2,000 years ago, though. Are demons still around today? If they are, what should we make of them? Do they do things in Christian's lives? Could they do things in my life?
Perhaps we have not considered the reality of the spiritual realm, and its affect on us as greatly as we should have. Perhaps we have allowed our experiences to tell us more about the demonic than scripture. Perhaps Jesus wants to show us again the freedom he has in store for his people, and the ways he uses to lead us there.
Discussion questions:
- "Our fear is in direct proportion to the belief that God has everything under control." On a scale of 1 - 10, where 10 is terrifying, how much fear do you experience when addressing the subject of the demonic? Why?
- "There is no neutral ground in the universe." Have you ever had difficulty giving an area of your life over to the reign of Jesus? What makes it hard to trust Jesus with different areas of your life?
- "Our first step is to get close to Jesus." Would you say you feel close to Jesus now? Are there things that God is inviting you to in order to have greater intimacy with Jesus?
Read and pray over 1 John 5:18 this week. Ask the Lord if there is anyplace in your life where Jesus does not reign. Is there anything in your life you need to confess to him, and repent of? Pay attention to the thoughts, pictures, and feelings that arise as you do, and remember Les's four R's: repent (of sin), renounce (Satan's authority to leverage that sin), receive (the love and forgiveness of Jesus), and resist (the devil and his lies / temptations). Finally, invite the Lord to reign in your whole life, to set you completely free of the works of the enemy, and to fill you again with his spirit.
Dealing with the Demonic
Podcast: The Demonic with Pastor Les
Episode 10: Dealing with the Demonic
Scripture: 1 John 3:8b
The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.
Last Week's Challenge:
You were challenged to look up instances of scripture where that mentioned healing and deliverance. What did you notice?
Demons show up in scripture more than some people are comfortable with. More than that, Jesus even speaks with these spirits before healing people or casting them out of people. That was almost 2,000 years ago, though. Are demons still around today? If they are, what should we make of them? Do they do things in Christian's lives? Could they do things in my life?
Perhaps we have not considered the reality of the spiritual realm, and its affect on us as greatly as we should have. Perhaps we have allowed our experiences to tell us more about the demonic than scripture. Perhaps Jesus wants to show us again the freedom he has in store for his people, and the ways he uses to lead us there.
Discussion questions:
- "Our fear is in direct proportion to the belief that God has everything under control." On a scale of 1 - 10, where 10 is terrifying, how much fear do you experience when addressing the subject of the demonic? Why?
- "There is no neutral ground in the universe." Have you ever had difficulty giving an area of your life over to the reign of Jesus? What makes it hard to trust Jesus with different areas of your life?
- "Our first step is to get close to Jesus." Would you say you feel close to Jesus now? Are there things that God is inviting you to in order to have greater intimacy with Jesus?
Read and pray over 1 John 5:18 this week. Ask the Lord if there is anyplace in your life where Jesus does not reign. Is there anything in your life you need to confess to him, and repent of? Pay attention to the thoughts, pictures, and feelings that arise as you do, and remember Les's four R's: repent (of sin), renounce (Satan's authority to leverage that sin), receive (the love and forgiveness of Jesus), and resist (the devil and his lies / temptations). Finally, invite the Lord to reign in your whole life, to set you completely free of the works of the enemy, and to fill you again with his spirit.