Leader training.
Thank you for your willingness and enthusiasm to be a Lifegroup Leader! Here you will find vision and practical tips for your very first steps as a Leader. We look forward to equipping and encouraging you in your walk with Jesus, ministry, and leadership as the year goes on.
- Welcome to the team!
Your first step as a new Lifegroup Leader is to meet with your leader (either the Campus Lead or Coordinator) to review the New Leader Guide. This will equip you with the heart and vision behind Lifegroup leadership.
- Group Customization
Next, log into your myLifegate account to begin customizing your Lifegroup page. Read this document for a step-by-step tutorial.
- Adding New Group Members
You will be notified through email when someone has requested to join your group. Reach out to them via email, text, or phone call within 48 hours of their request to confirm the details of your group. Then, log into your myLifegate account to change their status from “pending” to “active”.
- Ongoing Group Administration
Keep your group up-to-date by taking weekly attendance, interacting with every new member who reaches out, editing your member list as needed, and closing your group when you've reached capacity. To close your group, ask your Campus Lead to change your group to “not public” so new members cannot request to join.
- Leader Workshops
Here are the links to the January 2024 Leader Workshop and the August 2024 Leader Workshop
- Finding New Leaders
For best practices on finding and training new leaders, use this document. You can also find helpful tips on getting to know them here.